The central library provides book, journals, E- Journals, E–Books & internet facility to the teaching staff & students. The library came into existence since the inception of this college. The central library is spread over 2848.25 sq. Ft. & is located on the ground floor. The library is divided in different sections like Reference book section, Stack room, Digital library with internet Facility, Journal and Back volume section, Reading halls Boy’s & Girl’s, Teaching staff section and Librarian cabin. The library has 18,000+ books, and National & International journals. The library also provides Location of Information, Indexing, Current Awareness services, Selective Dissemination Information, Photo copy & Print copy services, for the staff. The library aims to be fully automated in due course of time. We try and provide the best of the services to our ability for proper and smooth functioning of the college.
To inculcate student interest in reading.
To provide a student friendly atmosphere.
To obtain best & latest reference for students & staff
To upgrade and develop digital libraries.
To associate with other libraries Deogiri College Library (Aurangabad), and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad to provide best resources to our students.
Total number of books: 18000+
Titles: 4408
Printed journals : 18
e- Journals of inflibnet : 6293
e-Books of inlfibnet: 195809+
Bound Volume : 100+
Remote access of Dr. BAMU university
Remote access to Shodhganga, Shodhsindhu, e-thesis etc.
CDs and DVDs : 241
Student: Book ratio : 1: 10 (Offline books)
Student: Book ratio : 1: 76 (Online books)
Reading room capacity : 72 (Girls), 72 (Boys), 35 (MPSC and career guidance)
Printed newspapers daily : 08
Library and KRC Services
Book Issue and Return Facility
Reference Service
Internet Browsing Service
OPAC Facility
Wi-fi facility for students
Separate reading rooms for boys and girls
Current Awareness Service
Printing and Scanning Facility For Staff
Departmental Library
Making I-card for Student
Book Bank Facility
E-Book and E-Journals Available
News Paper Available
MPSC Forum Facility
Library and KRC advisory committee
Sr. No. | Name of member | Designation |
Dr. R. P. Pawar | Principal | |
Mr. U. A. More | Librarian | |
Mrs. Savita Londhe | Member | |
Mr. Kirankumar Patil | Member | |
Mr. Nitin Gaikwad | Member | |
Mr. Aditya Hiwale | Student representative | |
Mrs. Pooja Ambe | Student representative |
Best practices
Orientation program and information literacy
Maintaining visitors diary
Maintaining album of cultural activities and academic programs
Maintaining newspaper clipping
Library and KRC at a Glance
Particulars | Numbers |
Books | 18,670 |
Text Books | 16,440 |
Access to e-books (Inflibnet) | 195809+ |
E-Journals (Inflibnet) | 6,275+ |
Reference Books | 2230 |
Area | 2848-25 sq |
Titles | 4408 |
E-Rare Books | 1158 |
E-Manuscripts | 1523 |
Competitive Exam Books | 1005 |
CD’s /DVD | 272 |
Student : Book ratio | 1:10 (Offline) 1: 76 (Online) |